Learning Support
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Learning support at MBC celebrates the uniqueness of our learners. The overarching goal is to cater for diverse needs of our learners, within an inclusive and supportive environment.
Leaning support is available, including but not limited to, our Learning Acceleration programme, specialised learning interventions and individual learning programmes, tailored to the unique needs of our ãkonga.
The acceleration programme includes the Gifted and Talented Programme (GATE) for students who are identified as performing, or have the potential to perform, at a level significantly beyond their chronically aged peers. Giftedness can apply to either one or a variety of learning areas and includes targeted GATE classes at junior level, which may lead to acceleration in NCEA subjects.
When students are identified as struggling to achieve expected achievement levels, our Academic Learning Support Programme provides support in literacy and numeracy, with our dedicated team of specialised teachers and learning assistants. We encourage our learners to identify what success means to them and to set achievable goals to enhance both academic performance and wellbeing.
Our highly structured, multi-level ESOL programme is designed to support our learners who have English as a second language learners. This is run by our ESL coordinator, ESL teacher and specialised learning assistant. Our aim is for all learners to feel at home at MBC.
In the learning support centre students are supported in small groups, every step of the way. This is underpinned by a belief that every student should be given the opportunity to develop at their pace, in a strongly supported environment. Learners split their days between mainstream classes to ensure they always feel socially connected to their peers, whilst also having this focussed support to raise their confidence.
Our learning support centre is staffed with specialised teachers who provide an individual education plan which is delivered alongside a team of dedicated learning assistants. Academic support programmes are underpinned by activities promoting social and personal wellbeing.